Wednesday, March 31, 2010

honda jeep

honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep

honda jeep

honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep
honda jeep

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

honda new cars

honda new cars
honda new cars
honda new cars
new cars
honda new cars
honda new cars
honda cars
new cars
honda new cars
honda new

AIR BAG, como funciona


Em uma colisão frontal, o motorista e os passageiros de um carro são arremessados para a frente e podem se ferir gravemente ao se chocarem com o volante, o painel ou o pára-brisa. Os air bags, ou almofadas infláveis, protegem as pessoas nos casos de acidente: ejetados do volante ou do painel, se enchem de nitrogênio instantaneamente. O sistema de air bag é formado por sensores eletrônicos, um inflator para produzir nitrogênio e a almofada em si. Os sensores são programados para ignorar as colisões a menos de 16 a 22 km/h. Em um choque forte, a almofada se infla por completo em 1/20 de segundo. Para as pessoas poderem sair, a almofada se esvazia assim que absorve o impacto. Os air bags podem salvar vidas, mas apenas em colisões frontais, sem substituir os cintos de segurança e as ombreiras.

Ao receber os sinais do sensor de colisão, um gerador e calor inflama substâncias químicas para produzir o nitrogênio, que infla o air bag.

Completamente cheio, o air bag absorve o impacto inicial do corpo do motorista, quando este é lançado para a frente.

Tendo protegido o corpo do motorista, o air bag se esvazia, suavizando o impacto. Dois orifícios na parte traseira da almofada deixam escapar o gás.


Cars for sale: Peugeot 107 color blue

Third in the trilogy of city cars produced with Toyota and Citroen. Perky and neat, but unless you’ve got some kind of strange lion fetish buy the Toyota Aygo.

Monday, March 29, 2010

bmw x1 cars

bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1

bmw x1 cars

bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1
bmw x1

3 wheel car honda

3 wheel car honda
3 wheel car honda
Honda 3 wheels cars
3 wheel cars honda
3 wheel car honda
Amazing car honda
3 wheel car honda

There are quite a few three-wheelers these days: Aptera, Myers Motors and ZAP! Motors. And while those companies seem to be blocked from government funding, it isn’t stopping designers like 22-year-old Alex Hodge from New Zealand from churning out kickass mods like the Hawk.

The Hawk concept is part fighter jet, part sports car, and looks like it’s balls-out fun! The concept is built around the 999cc Honda RC51 V-twin engine has 10,000 rpm, 120 hp and a top speed of 144 mph.It has a fiberglass body with a pod-style cab, comes trimmed in lightweight plastics and leather. And it all rides on 19-inch alloyed wheels equipped with twin rear and front disc brakes. Oh, and did you look at the pictures…it’s freakin hot!

But here’s the half empty, you Batman-a-bes won’t be seeing this concept anytime soon. Sorry. Have to save the mantyhose for another day.
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